All Bay Environmental offers clients asbestos and lead paint sample drop off services which are available 24 hrs seven days a week. Please read and follow the directions specified below to ensure
that your sample is processed in a timley fashion. Please follow the directions specified below.
- Click on the link below to download our chain of custody form (COC)
- Print COC form and fill out all form fields indicated in red
- Collect your samples and place each sample in its own small ziplock bag
- Sample size can be no more then 3 sqaure inches in size
- Place samples and completed COC form in an envelop with payment (Check or Cash for after hours drop off)
- Drop off samples at our field office (seperate location then headquarters)
- If samples are droped off durring normal buisness hours credit card payment can be used
Note: Samples will not be processed if any of the following occur.
- Sample size is too large (exceeds 3 square inches in size)
- Sample is not packaged in an air tight sealed bag (ziplock or the equivilent)
- COC form is not filled out completly or missing
- No payment is made
Samples should be dropped off to the All Bay Environmental field office which is located at
155 Mast St #101 Morgan Hilll, CA 95037